Account: An online record of all the information about a user: which groups they belong to, their password or social login method, and preferences and settings that apply to all their groups. An account is identified by an email address.

Album: A container for photos in the Photos area of a group's website, similar to a folder that contains files in the Files area.

Alias: An alternate email address associated with a member’s account (for posting purposes only), an alternate name for a group, or an alternate name for a hashtag in a group. Note: The group alias feature is available only in Premium and Enterprise groups.

Archive: A repository of all messages posted to a group, except messages that have been deleted. The messages in the archive are displayed in chronological order on a group’s website when someone clicks or taps the Messages link.

Bounce: An event that occurs when an email message cannot be delivered to a member due to a reason such as an incorrect email address, a full mailbox, or a problem connecting to an email server. In addition, the system bounces messages containing new hashtags in a group in which the owner has specified the Hashtag Permissions setting, “Messages from members can only be tagged with existing hashtags, otherwise the message is bounced.” The system also bounces messages with attachments if the group's Storage Limit Reached setting is "Bounce Messages With Attachments" and the group has reached its storage limit.

Bounce probe: A message designed to test whether a member in Bouncing or Bounced status can receive messages from The system periodically sends bounce probes members in Bouncing status. Group owners and moderators can also send bounce probes manually to members listed as Bouncing or Bounced.

Directory: An index of the profiles of group members who opt to share their profile with the group. Owners can specify whether a group’s directory is visible to all members or only to owners and moderators, or whether the directory feature is enabled at all. Also referred to as "member directory."

Footer: Standard text that is included at the bottom of every email message sent by Most of the footer text is system generated, but group owners can include custom text through a group setting as well as for individual hashtags. Note: Footers are not displayed in messages in the archive on a group’s website.

Hashtag: A word, or a phrase with no spaces (hyphens and underscores are allowed), prefixed with the hash/pound/number/octothorpe character (#). A group member applies a hashtag to a message by including the hashtag within or at the end of the message’s subject line. A maximum of five hashtags can be applied per topic. Hashtags have several uses within, including controlling certain behaviors of topics and messages.

Integration: A connection from a group to another service such as GitHub.

Legacy Free group: A Free group that was created before either January 15, 2020 or August 24, 2020, 9:00 a.m. U.S. Pacific Time. Legacy Free groups have collaboration features (such as calendars, files, databases, photos, and wikis) that became restricted to Premium and Enterprise groups after August 24, 2020, 9:00 a.m. U.S. Pacific Time.. Before January 15, 2020, legacy Free groups could also have subgroups.

Member: A person whose email address is registered with (has a account). Note: In the past, the term "subscriber" often was used interchangeably with "member." However, "member" is the preferred term.

Member directory: An index of the profiles of group members who opt to share their profile with the group. Owners can specify whether a group’s directory is visible to all members or only to owners and moderators, or whether the directory feature is enabled at all. Also referred to as just "directory."

Member list: A list of all the members in a group along with their display names, email addresses, message delivery options, join dates, and bounce status. The list also includes any members who have been banned. Owners can specify whether a group’s member list is visible to all members (which requires the group to have restricted membership) or only to owners and moderators.

Moderator: A member of a group who has permission to perform certain actions to help run the group, such as approving messages or membership requests, editing messages in the archive, and so on. Groups can have more than one moderator, and individual moderators can have different sets of permissions.

Owner: A moderator of a group who has all possible permissions and, therefore, has complete control over the group. Someone who creates a group is an owner automatically. Groups can have more than one owner.

Profile: Personal information provided by members that they can choose to include in the directories of groups to which they belong. Members have a account profile as well as a separate profile for each group, and they can customize their profile for each group they belong to. Profiles are listed in the Identity section of a member’s account page.

Push notification: An automated alert message displayed by a website or mobile app outside of the web browser or app user interface (even when the website or app is not open). Primarily referred to as "web/app notifications" in, push notifications provide users with timely information when certain activities occur in a group. The location and style of these notifications depend on the device’s operating system and the browser.

Special notice: A message that is sent as an individual email message to all group members regardless of their email delivery setting. EXCEPTION: Members who set the No Email delivery option do not receive special notices. Only group owners or moderators can send special notices. Special notices typically are used for significant group announcements.

Subgroup: A group within another group. Members of a subgroup must also be members of the parent (main) group. A subgroup typically contains a subset of the members of the parent group. RESTRICTION: Subgroups can be created only in Premium and Enterprise groups. EXCEPTION: Free groups that were created before January 15, 2020 can still create subgroups.

Subject tag: Text that is automatically added to the beginning of the subject line of group messages that are delivered by email. The tag is specified by the group’s owner and helps identify the group’s messages in members’ email applications.

Topic: A collection of messages about a particular subject. It includes the initial message that was posted along with any replies to that message (and replies to those replies). In the archive on a group’s website, the topic is displayed with the initial message at the top of the page and replies expanded underneath it. Note: In the past, the term “thread” was used interchangeably with "topic." However, “topic” is the preferred term.

Web/app notification: An automated alert message displayed by a website or mobile app outside of the web browser or app user interface (even when the website or app is not open). Sometimes referred to as "push notifications," web/app notifications in provide users with timely information when certain activities occur in a group. The location and style of these notifications depend on the device’s operating system and the browser.

Wiki: A repository of content on a group’s website, organized in pages. Wikis can be used to contain information that is revised frequently as well as to contain static information.