Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium and Enterprise groups.

Premium and Enterprise groups can prevent nonmembers from submitting join requests or sending messages to a group or subgroup by adding domain names to a list of domains that are banned in the group or subgroup.

To add a domain to the Banned Domains list:

  1. Desktop browser: In the left menu on the group’s or subgroup’s website, select Admin > PreferencesDomains
    Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon, then tap Admin > PreferencesDomains on the More menu.
  2. On the Banned Domains page, in the Domain to ban field, enter the domain to be banned. Do not include the @ symbol.
  3. Click or tap the Ban Domain button. The domain is added to the list of banned domains at the top of the page.


  • Banning the domain of existing members has no effect on those members. They will still be subject to any group and subgroup posting restrictions that are in place.
  • In a group that has subgroups, banning a domain in the parent group also bans that domain in its subgroups.
  • On the group’s home page, the Join this Group button (or, in restricted groups, the Apply for Membership in this Group button) will be visible to people in a banned domain if they are not logged in to (If they are logged in to, the button is not visible to them.) Someone in a domain that was banned by a group and who is not logged in to will see a notice in a red box stating “You are not allowed to subscribe to the group with that domain” if they try to join the group through the Join this Group (or Apply for Membership in this Group) button on that group’s home page.

To remove a domain from the Banned Domains list (“unban” the domain):

  1. Desktop browser: In the left menu on the group’s or subgroup’s website, select Admin > PreferencesDomains
    Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon, then tap Admin > PreferencesDomains on the More menu.
  2. In the list of banned domains at the top of the Banned Domains page, click or tap the blue x next to the domain that you want to remove from the list.


Related help topic

  1. Banning or unbanning members