To change the cover photo (image) on the group’s home page or change the group’s icon:
- Desktop browser: In the left menu on the group’s website, select Admin > Preferences > Cover Photo.
Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon, then select Admin > Preferences > Cover Photo on the More menu. - Follow the applicable steps based on what you want to do:
- Change the image on the group’s home page.
- In the Cover Photo panel, click or tap the Choose File or Browse button (the label depends on the browser).
- Navigate to the image file you want to use and select it. You return to the Cover Photo panel.
- Click or tap Set Cover Photo. The system uploads and displays your selected image in the Cover Photo panel. Go to the group’s home page to see the image there.
- Delete the image on the group’s home page.
In the Cover Photo panel, click or tap the Delete Cover Photo button. The image is removed and replaced with the default image.
- Change the icon displayed on mobile devices and on members’ Feed pages on the group’s website.
- In the Icon panel, click or tap the Choose File or Browse button (the label depends on the browser).
- Navigate to the image file you want to use and select it. You return to the Icon panel.
- Click or tap Set Icon. The system uploads and displays your selected image in the Icon panel. Go to your Feed page to see the image there.
- Delete the icon displayed on mobile devices and on members’ Feed pages on the group’s website.
In the Icon panel, click or tap the Delete Icon button. The image is removed and replaced with the default image.
- Change the image on the group’s home page.
Tip: The system scales cover photo images to fit within 900 x 300 pixels (3:1 ratio) and scales icon images to fit within 200 x 200 pixels. If you want an image to look its best in (that is, not distorted by the scaling), use an image editor to make the image the applicable size before you upload it to the group.