Restriction: This feature is available only in paid Premium and Enterprise groups.
It is not available in free Premium trial groups.
In a paid Premium or Enterprise group, owners and moderators can upload a file containing the email addresses of all of the people they want to belong to the group. Any members currently in the group who are not listed in the file will be removed from the group, and any people listed in the file who are not in the group will be added. No email notices are sent to group members who are removed.
Note: In a group that has subgroups, the file sync feature is available only for the parent group. Because subgroup members must belong to the parent group, the file sync feature does not apply to subgroups.
To synchronize your group members with a file of email addresses:
- Create a text file containing a list of the email addresses, one address per line, of all the people you want to be members of the group.
- Go to the group’s website and display the Sync Settings page:
Desktop browser: In the left menu, select Admin > Membership > File Sync.
Mobile device: At the bottom of a page, tap More, then select Admin > Membership > File Sync on the More menu. - On the Sync Settings page, the Message To Be Sent section shows the standard content that will be sent to any people who are added to the group. To add your own text to that content, scroll down to the Customize Message field, and enter and format any personalized text that you want to include in the message to be sent. As you enter text there, it is added to the Message To Be Sent field above the line that starts “If this was a mistake...”, and the statement “The Group moderators have included the following important message:” is added above your text.
Note: You cannot change the existing content in the Message To Be Sent field. Providing a customized message can reassure recipients that the message is legitimate.
Tip: Use the formatting tools on the text editing toolbar to make your personalized text stand out from the standard content. - If desired, and if your group has a Direct Add notice, select the Direct Add notice from the Notices list under the Customize Message field.
- If your group has subgroups and you want to add any new members to them, scroll to the Add To Subgroups panel and select the checkboxes for the subgroups you want to add new members to.
- Click or tap the Browse button, and navigate to and select the text file containing the list of email addresses.
- Click or tap the Sync Members button. The File Sync Members page appears. On this page:
- The top panel, Members To Be Removed, lists the email addresses of members who will be removed from the group because their email addresses are not in the file you uploaded. No email notices will be sent to these members when they are removed.
- The bottom panel, People To Be Added, lists the email addresses in the file you uploaded that do not belong to any current members of the group.
- If you are satisfied that the lists of members to be removed and people to be added are correct, click or tap the Sync Members button at the bottom of the page. The system synchronizes the member lists and returns to the Members page.
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