In desktop browsers, you can use these keyboard shortcuts to navigate around some pages:

  • Ctrl + Shift + ?
    Displays a popup listing all the keyboard shortcuts. Press Esc to dismiss the popup.
  • Ctrl + g
    Displays a popup that you can use to navigate to one of your groups. You can start entering the group’s name in the text field at the top or use the up and down arrow keys (or your mouse’s scrollwheel if it has one) to move up and down the list. Press Enter or click the mouse button to select the group. Press Esc to dismiss the popup if you do not make a selection.
  • Ctrl + Shift + f
    On a group page that has a search box, puts the focus in the Search box. If the page does not have a Search box, this shortcut has no effect.
  • Ctrl + /
    Displays a ”quick actions” popup that you can use to go directly to a specific group page (the list varies depending on what page you are currently viewing). You can start entering a page’s name in the text field at the top or use the up and down arrow keys (or your mouse’s scrollwheel if it has one) to move up and down the list. Press Enter or click the mouse button to select the page. Press Esc to dismiss the popup if you do not make a selection.