You can change the message posting privileges for individual members without changing the settings for the entire group. Example: A member is not following the group’s guidelines for posting, so you want to moderate their posts for a while.

Note: Moderation applies only to messages. A member who is moderated will still be able to upload files and photos (if those features are available in the group) without moderator intervention. However, you can receive notifications about activity that involves files and photos. See Moderator notifications about group activity.

To moderate an individual member:

  1. Display the individual’s membership record.
  2. Scroll down to the Posting Privileges panel.
  3. Select the level of moderation you want to apply to this member:
    • The message moderation setting specified for the group applies to this member. This posting privilege setting is the default.

    • No messages posted by this member are moderated, regardless of the group’s or an individual topic’s moderation setting.

      In the member list and on certain other group pages, the member will have a Posting Always Allowed badge: P

    • All messages posted by this member are moderated, regardless of the group’s or an individual topic’s moderation setting.

      In the member list and on certain other group pages, the member will have a Moderated badge: M

    • The first n messages posted by this member are moderated, where n is a number from 1 to 4. The default is 1. You can change the number in the Group Type and Moderation panel on the group’s Settings page (look for the Unmoderate After list below the New Members Moderated checkbox). See Group type and moderation settings.

      In the member list and on certain other group pages, the member will have a New Member Moderated badge (followed by a number): NMM

    • This member cannot post any messages, regardless of the group’s or an individual topic’s moderation setting.

      In the member list and on certain other group pages, the member will have a Not Allowed to Post badge: NP

    • The first message in every topic that is started by this member is moderated, regardless of the group’s or an individual topic’s moderation setting.

      In the member list and on certain other group pages, the member will have a Moderate First Message badge: MF

    • All messages posted in every topic that is started by this member are moderated, regardless of the group’s or an individual topic’s moderation setting.

      In the member list and on certain other group pages, the member will have a Moderate Started Topics badge: MT

  4. If desired, click or tap the Notes button at the top of the page and enter a note about why you are moderating this member. The note will be saved in the member’s record. Such notes can be helpful to other moderators who might review the member’s page.
  5. Click or tap the Save button at the bottom of the page.