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Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.
After you join a chat, you can contribute to it by entering text in the text field at the bottom of the page and clicking or tapping the Send (up arrow) button to the right of the text field.
When you are entering a chat message, you can type @ to tag (also known as @mention) group members in that chat who have set up a username in their account. (The username is part of your account profile.)
If you want to include the content of another chat message in yours, click or tap and hold (“long press”) in that message and select the curved arrow icon from the popup. That chat message is duplicated above the text field. After you enter your message in the text field and send it to the chat, the content of the message you included appears above your message.
You can upload photos or videos to the chat by clicking or tapping the plus (+) button to the left of the text field and selecting Upload Photos or Upload Videos from the popup menu. On a mobile device, you can also tap the camera icon to the right of the text field to take a photo or video and upload it to the chat immediately.
To react to a chat message with an icon (also known as sending a Tapback), click or tap and hold (“long press”) in the chat message until a list of icons appears, then select the desired icon from the list.
Tip: In a message that has Tapbacks, you can click or tap the icons to display a list of the members who sent the Tapbacks.
To see a list of group members who are participating in the chat, click or tap the plus (+) button and select Chat Members from the popup menu.
Tip: You can receive web/app notifications for new messages posted to a chat by enabling them in the Member notification settings on your Subscription page for the group.
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