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Location in desktop browser: Left menu > Subscription > Settings > Owner Email panel on Subscription page

Location on mobile device: Bottom of page > More icon > Subscription > Settings > Owner Email panel on Subscription page

Restriction: The Owner Email panel appears only if you are an owner or moderator of the group.

! Important: When you finish making your selections, scroll to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Save button.

The Owner Email panel on your Subscription page contains options for receiving emails that are sent to the group’s owner email address ( Select your desired option:

  • You will receive all email messages that are sent to the owner email address, including from nonmembers and possible spammers.
    Note: If your group uses a Pending Subscription notice, at least one owner or moderator should select the All Emails option.

  • You will receive only email messages that are sent to the owner email address by group members. This setting is the default.

  • You will not receive any email messages sent to the owner email address.

Be aware that all moderators and owners who select the All Emails option or the Members Only option will receive email messages that are sent to the group owner email address. If your group has several moderators, not all of them might need (or want) to receive owner emails. In that case, some of them could select the None option.

Related help topic

  1. Group owner email messages