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Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

About JSON and CSV files

You can create a database by importing an existing file that is one of these types:

A JSON file can contain all the properties of a database (including description, permissions, and so on). A CSV file can contain only table columns and rows.


  • If the group does not allow members to create databases, you will not be able to import JSON or CSV files.
  • Explaining how to create JSON and CSV files is outside the scope of the Help Center.

Importing a JSON file

  1. Display the group’s Databases page.
  2. Click or tap the Import JSON button at the top.
  3. In the Import JSON popup, use the Browse button to navigate to and select the JSON file that you want to import, then click or tap the Import button.

Importing a CSV file

! Important: Before you import a CSV file, you must first create a database and add columns that match the columns in the CSV file. cannot import a CSV file to a database unless the corresponding columns already exist in that database.

Tip: The CSV file can contain a header line with column names that match the columns in the database you created, but a header line is not required.

To import a CSV file:

  1. Display the database containing the columns that are in the CSV file.
  2. On that database’s page, click or tap the Import Rows button.
  3. In the Import CSV popup:
    • Use the Browse button to navigate to and select the CSV file that you want to import.
    • If the first line of the CSV file contains the column names, select the File Has Header Line checkbox.
    • Click or tap the Import button.