Introduction to for group owners Creating a group Promoting your group Group aliases Renaming a group Changing the group's cover photo and icon Managing members Pinning topics and wiki pages Locking and unlocking groups and subgroups Banning or unbanning domains billing Exporting or downloading your group’s data Deleting a group or subgroup
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© 2025

The Display Name field in group members’ records can be populated or updated in any of these ways:

  • An owner or moderator can include a display name when they invite or add a member to the group.
  • Members can add or modify their display names in their account profiles or in their profiles for individual groups. (See Customizing your account profile and group profiles.)
  • Owners and moderators can edit the Display Name field in individual members’ records (however, be aware that members can change their own display names as mentioned above).
  • If the field is empty when a member initially joins (or is added to) the group, the system might automatically populate the field the first time the member emails a message to the group, if the message’s email header contains display name information.