Introduction to for group owners Creating a group Promoting your group Group aliases Renaming a group Changing the group's cover photo and icon Notifications about group activity Pinning topics and wiki pages Locking and unlocking groups and subgroups Banning or unbanning domains billing Exporting or downloading your group’s data Deleting a group or subgroup
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About web/app notifications

In your account, you can enable web/app notifications about group activity on your mobile device and desktop web browser. A web/app notification is an automated alert message about displayed by a website or mobile app outside of the web browser or app user interface (even when the website or app is not open). The location and style of these notifications depend on the device’s operating system and the browser.

In, members who are not group owners or moderators can opt to receive web/app notifications on their mobile or desktop device when:

  • New messages are posted to a group
  • New messages are posted to a chat they are participating in
  • Messages that contain specific hashtags are posted to a group

Group owners and moderators have additional options for controlling the web/app notifications (and email notifications) they receive about group activity. See Moderator notifications about group activity. 

Enabling web/app notifications

Before you can receive any web/app notifications, you must enable them in your account. Follow these steps on each device and in each browser where you want to see the notifications:

  1. ! Important: Ensure that the browser or app allows notifications from The instructions depend on your specific browser and device. See your browser’s or device’s settings and help information.
    Note: If private browsing mode is enabled in your browser, push notifications might not work. In that situation, you must disable private browsing to receive web/app notifications.
  2. Display your account settings.
  3. Desktop browser: In the left menu, select Notifications.
    Mobile device: Tap the Notifications icon at the bottom of the page.
  4. On the Notifications page, click or tap the Enable Notifications button (the full label varies depending on whether you are using a mobile device). If a popup appears asking you to confirm that you want to allow to show notifications, click or tap the option that allows notifications. The Notifications page then lists the device (operating system) and browser for which you enabled notifications.
  5. If desired, click or tap the Send A Test Notification button to check that notifications appear in the browser or on the mobile device.

The steps above enable web/app notifications from all your groups. To control the web/app notifications that you see from an individual group, see Member notification settings and also Hashtag uses and notes (for notifications about messages tagged with specific hashtags).

Disabling web/app notifications

To disable web/app notifications from all your groups:

  1. Display your account settings.
  2. Desktop browser: In the left menu, select Notifications.
    Mobile device: Tap the Notifications icon at the bottom of the page.
  3. On the Notifications page, click or tap the Disable Notifications In button (the full label varies depending on whether you are using a mobile device). Or, if you want to disable notifications on all your devices, click or tap the Disable Notifications on All Devices button.
  4. When the Verify Disable Notifications popup appears, click or tap Yes.