Introduction to for group owners Creating a group Promoting your group Group aliases Renaming a group Changing the group's cover photo and icon Subgroups Pinning topics and wiki pages Locking and unlocking groups and subgroups Banning or unbanning domains billing Exporting or downloading your group’s data Deleting a group or subgroup
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© 2025

Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium and Enterprise groups and in Free groups that existed before January 15, 2020.

To create a subgroup:

  1. Desktop browser: In the main (parent) group, in the left menu, select Subgroups.
    Mobile device: At the bottom of a page in the main (parent) group, tap the More icon, then select Subgroups on the More menu.
  2. On the Subgroups page, click or tap the Create Subgroup button at the top of the page.
  3. Complete the elements on the Create A Subgroup page:
    • Enter the name of your subgroup, up to 34 characters long. This name will appear in the subgroup’s email address and also in the URL of your subgroup on the website. The email address has the form (For more information on subgroup email addresses, see Subdomain addressing in the GroupManagersForum wiki.)

      Note: The name cannot contain spaces, plus signs, slashes, or underscores. (Hyphens and periods are allowed.)

    • Enter a description of your subgroup. This description will be displayed on your subgroup’s home page and on the parent group’s home page (if you choose to list the subgroup there).

    • ! Important: When you make a message archive private (viewable only by parent group members or subgroup members), you cannot change it later to be publicly viewable. Therefore, at this stage, you should be certain about what visibility you want your subgroup’s message archive to have.

      This option controls whether your subgroup is listed on your parent group’s home page and whether its message archive is visible to the general public, only to parent group members, or only to subgroup members. Select the option you want to use for your subgroup. See Subgroup visibility settings for descriptions.

  4. Click or tap the Create Subgroup button at the bottom of the page.

Now you can customize the subgroup’s settings (including adding the subgroup to a category), create member notices, and add members of the parent group to the subgroup (either by inviting them to join or, if the group is not a Premium trial group, by adding them directly). 


  • After you create the first subgroup, the parent group and subgroup will not be available for a short period of time while the group’s DNS information is updated. Typically, the delay in availability lasts only a few minutes.
  • If you invite someone to join a subgroup who is not a member of the parent group, they will be added to the parent group automatically when they accept the subgroup invitation.