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© 2025 Groups.io

You can download (export) copies of your contributions to any groups that you belong to (including your own messages), photos and files that you uploaded to Premium or Enterprise group websites, and other group content.

To export your Groups.io account data:

  1. Display your account settings.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Export My Account button.
  3. On the Export Account Data page, select the checkboxes for the groups (and subgroups, if applicable) that you want to export data from.
  4. Click or tap the Generate Export button. Groups.io displays a green banner at the top of the page stating that your request has been submitted and that you can expect an email with a link to download a zip file (a compressed archive file) within 10 minutes.
  5. When you receive the email (the sender is Groups.io User Export Service, and the subject is “Export of [your email address]”), click or tap the Download User Export link, and open or save the zip file.
    Note: The download link in the email is valid for 24 hours.

Updated: March 10, 2025