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These icons or badges might appear on topic subject lines in a group's message archive.

Icon or badge Description
padlock icon The topic is locked.
balanced scales icon The topic is moderated.
pushpin icon The topic is “sticky” (that is, pinned to the top of the group’s Topics page).
paperclip icon The topic contains attachments.
user icon with plus sign The topic’s Reply To setting is “Reply to topic followers only.”
x icon

The poll is closed.

This icon appears only on the group’s Polls page.

Message number icon

The number in the circle varies and indicates the number of messages within the topic, including the original message that created the topic.

Topics with only one message (that is, they have no replies) have no number indicator.


This topic is designated a special notice.

This badge appears only when the topic is pending approval.

Claimed by [name]

This topic or message has been claimed by the moderator listed in the badge.

This badge appears only when the topic or message is pending approval.

Moderator Edited

This topic or message has been edited by a moderator who then saved the edited version without approving it. This action also results in the appearance of the “Claimed by” badge.

This badge appears only when the topic or message is pending approval.

Updated: March 10, 2025